You Earned It!
Fruitle Tootle

New Game!!

Popcorn Stop!


Get your microwave popcorn exactly right.

- Have you ever made microwave popcorn?

- Did you try to count the two seconds between the last pops?

- Did you stop the microwave too soon or too late, popping only half the bag, or burning your popped corn?

Suffer no more:

Popcorn Stop! will listen to your microwave and signal you when your popcorn is ready.

So, just sit back, relax a bit, don't go too far! :-) and the app will let you know when to stop the microwave oven.

Bon appetit!!

* If the instructions that come with the popcorn tell you to stop the microwave when the time between pops is more than say 2 seconds (time can vary), then the app and popcorn are probably compatible.